Monday, January 19, 2009


My boobs hurt!They reaaaaallly do!....
For the past 3/4 days they hurt like hell!
Whenever I accidentally touch them I feel like screamin'!What a hell?!...I guess that's the side effects of stopping breastfeeding the little rugrat...3 years of it and then stop....*big sigh*...I always have these pains when I'm about to get my period (or in the first 2 months of pregnancy which is out of question...At least I think it is!...) but this month it's hitting me really hard!...
Not to mention this nasty migraine that has just started!....I don't even know what is bothering me more...The pain in my boobs or in my brain!....LOL!
Oh well!...Let me surch for some pain killers before I start loosin' my mind as well!...


Mom Knows Everything said...

Hmmm....are you sure it's not a possibility?

Petula said...

Yea... I'm with Tammy. I was saying "hmmmm?" too. Maybe you should check and make sure. Headaches and sore boobs could be PMS, but ... well, you know!

I just hope you feel better.

Angeline said...

pain in all the wrong places, girl!!!
rest well... hmmmm... I do hope the pain-killers will help.... rest girl (if you can) rest....

Toni said...

So sorry!!!!