Wednesday, January 21, 2009



"Lately I've been living in a roller coaster...
Up and down...
And twisting around...
Sometimes in the clouds...
Sometimes in the ground...
Embracing so many questions!
Which answers just can't be found!...
And when everything seems to be over and clear,
Here we go again, for an extra round!

Lately I've been living high above my self...
Just trying to figure it out...
Where's my place on Earth?...
Why do I feel like screaming and shout?!
Am I still a woman?Or just a wife?...Or a mother?...
Does anybody really cares about?!...

Lately,I've been living...
And that's all that matters for now...
I eat...I breath...I love...
Even when reason tells me to slow down...
I fall and I get up...
I fail and I retry...
I reinvent my self
Thou I don't know why,
The answers will come somehow..."

By:Sandra Carvalho



Mom Knows Everything said...

What a wonderful powerful poem!

MaricrisG said...

Life sure feels like a roller coaster ride but it does stop at one point sometime.

Toni said...

Wow! You are so talented!

Angeline said...

Blown away! Sandra, this is awesome!

Honest, true to the bones...

Petula said...

I know exactly how you feel. You wrote that very well and it really conveyed how you feel.