Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sexy Lady

"Sexy Lady-by Nelson Freitas"

This is one of my favorite African songs.One thing that is really cool about this song is that the lyrics are divided in 3 different languages:
English,French and Criolo (from Cape Vert).
I know that many of you are not acquainted with this sort of rhythms so every now and then I like to post one so you get to be a bit more familiarized with it.
You know, when I used to go to clubs I never went to the the "regular" ones!...I always preferred the African clubs!...Hmmmmmmm....
You know what they say....Once you taste black you can never go back!!!!LOL!I guess they are totally right!LOL!


Angeline said...

*laugh* some truth in that, some truth....

regina said...
