Monday, May 26, 2008

Vida no útero! "Life in the womb!"

Aos 6 meses de gravidez

«In my 6th month of pregnancy»

Aos 6 meses da gravidez do meu 3º filho, fiz esta eco a 3/4 Dimensões.É impressionante o poder da tecnologia.Muito antes do Eric nascer já conhecia o seu rostinho lindo...Quem poderia imaginar uma coisa destas há 20 anos atrás?!

«By my 6th month of pregnancy of my 3rd child, I had this 3/4 D ultrasound .The power of modern technology is amazing.Way before Eric was born, we were able to see his little baeutiful face...Who could imagine such thing 20 years ago?!»


Angeline said...

Ya man! Man are getting cleverer...but I didn't get the chance to experience this technology when I had my 2nd one, it wasn't in Singapore yet. Sigh....

Petula said...

I've never had the 3D one done, but they seem amazing!

Thanks for stopping by my blog... I hope to see you around again.

Have a great week.

Tina said...

wow those pics are absoloutely fabulous. What a great treasured memory to have.

moms tales said...

Truly amazing isn't it?! It was quite a pity that the hospital I went to didn't have them yet when I was pregnant but I hope for my second child, I will get this chance..

Mom Knows Everything said...

That is so cool! I just got regular ultra sounds with both of my children. I wish I could have gotten one of those.

Crazy Working Mom said...

I did have a 4-D wasn't nearly as great as this one, though! :)

Very cool.

CrAzY Working Mom