Thursday, November 6, 2008

OMG!!! HE WON!!!

I'm so happy, but so happy that I'm almost speechless!And that's something that doesn't fit me at all!!!LOL!
Finally, some new blood in the US government!I truly believe that Mr.Obama will MAKE A CHANGE!

When the results came out, it was 4am over here.I was sleeping, but dreamed about it all night long!
The first thing I did in the following morning was to turn on my tv and watch the news channel!Tears came to my eyes at that very same moment cause what hit me first was Martin Luther King speech...«I have a dream!...»



Linda Reeder said...

Thank you!

Angeline said...

you seemed happy with the results eh? so far I haven't seen someone unhappy, no wonder he won!

Juliana said...

Yeah...Congrat for Obama :D Although I don't understand so much politic...

Toni said...

I hope he does a great job! As you probably know I did not vote for him but now that he will be my President I will give him the respect he deserves.

I do understand the huge thing that has happened in electing a black president. I do hope that it means that my country is starting to really see past the color of someone's skin. I am sure President-elect Obama is a fine man, I just disagree with him on some of his fiscal issues and most definitely his abortion stance...