Realmente é um horror a forma com se legisla neste país!
Eu só gostava de saber, se uma das crianças atropleladas pelo taxista bêbado fosse filho de um deputado ou ministro as coisas também se resolviam assim?...Como é possível que um potencial assassino (porque sim, uma pessoa que tem como profissão estar ao volante e bebe até cair é um assassino!) que quase matou 4 crianças, esteja em menos de 1 mês novamente em serviço e com a mesma viatura?????
Depois ainda querem que sinta orgulho em ser portuguesa!...
No dia que isso acontecer podem me passar um atestado de insanidade mental!
«It's dreadful how laws are made in this country!
I wonder if one of the children hit by the drunk taxi driver where related to some member or minister things would have been solved like that?...How can it be that a potential murderer (yeah!A person which job is to drive and drinks like that is a MURDERER!) who almost killed 4 innocent children, be out and on duty again, plus driving the exactly same vehicle?????
Then you want me to feel proud of being Portuguese!...
Yeah!Right!When that happen you can pass me a certificate of mental insanity!»
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Faz hoje 11 aninhos que nasceu o meu primogénito!
Para grande orgulho do pai, que sempre quis que fosse rapaz o seu primeiro filho!...
Dotado de extrema inteligência, e de uma personalidade muito doce, mais não posso pedir de um filho!
Parabéns meu amor!!!
PS--(um aparte que não posso deixar de relacionar a este dia:faz hoje também para grande tristeza minha,10 anos que o meu pai faleceu.Podem agora imaginar a dor que senti ao receber um telefonema de Moçambique que não era o avô a dar os parabéns ao seu netinho...Enfim...Tenho a certeza que de onde o meu pai está, está a olhar pelos seus netos queridos).
«It's been 11 years since my first son was born! It made his father very proud 'cause he always said he wanted a boy first!...
Gifted with high intelligence and a sweet personality, more I can not ask from a child!...
Happy birthday my sweet love!!!
PS--(there's something I have always to relate to this day: to my great sorrow it's been 10 years today since my father passed away.Can you imagine how I felt when I got this phone call from Mozambique...It wasn't my dad calling to wish an happy birthday to his grandson...Oh well...I'm pretty sure that where ever my father is right now he's watching for his dear grandchildren).»
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Férias de Páscoa " Spring Break"

Férias certamente, mas não para mim LOL!!! Com os 3 rufias em casa saltando e gritando nos meus ouvidinhos todo o santo dia, está-se mesmo a ver não é??O pequenino anda todo excitado de ter os irmãos em casa e está com os sonos trocados...Eu a tentar conciliar os afazeres domésticos com o cuidar deles e dar-lhes a devida atenção e com um trabalho que tenho em mãos há mais de 2 meses (miga!Estou me a esfalfar acredita!Mas vou conseguir!)....Ai ai!...
Se eu não vos mandar mails nem postar nada aqui no blog por um período superior a 3 dias, mandem alguém cá a casa pois devo estar desmaiada no meio so chão com a cadela á minha volta e os 3 pestinhas a destruir a casa LOL!!!!
It's Spring break alright, but not for me LOL!!! With 3 little rugrats running all around and jumping up and down the entire time all day long, you can picture this out! The baby is all excited 'cause his brothers are home so he isn't sleeping when he's supposed to (skipping naps and so on...) I'm trying to reconcile the housekeeping with the taking care of them and pay them the due attention and a job I have in hands for over 2 months (Girl, I'm working my butt out, but I'll make it!) Oh my...
If by any chance I don't mail you or post anything here for a period longer then 3 days, send someone in here, 'cause I'll probably be pasted out on the floor with my dog trying to wake me up and the 3 little rugrats trashing the whole house LOL!!!»
Thursday, March 13, 2008
O nascimento do meu princepezinho "My little prince's birth"

Para mim aquele era mais um domingo, por sinal chuvoso, no final da minha gravidez.Comecei o dia sentido-me meio estranha e um pouco preocupada,pois tinha a sensação que não sentia o bebé se mexer.De vez em quando lá vinham as dores, mas não era nada que não suporta-se com relativa facilidade.Afinal este era o meu 3º filho, e eu pensava que não me esperariam grandes surpresas.Passei o dia todo arrumando e limpando,com o famoso síndrome do ninho que quase todas as grávidas têm.Depois do almoço liguei á minha mãe e disse-lhe que se continuasse sem sentir o bebé,"se calhar" ainda iria ao Hospital.Tomei o meu banho,fiz a depilação (pois só de pensar que poderia ter que ir ao Hospital e não estar preparada era uma ideia pavorosa!...) voltei a arrumar, limpar, passar a ferro...Fui ás compras...Voltei e fiz o jantar...Por volta das 06h00 da tarde tive o primeiro sinal de parto mais evidente, um ligeiro (quase minusculo)pedacinho de rolhão mucoso.Nas maiores das calmas telefonei á minha sogra para me vir buscar por volta das 07h30, pois ainda queria dar o jantar aos meninos.Passava um pouco da hora marcada quando a minha sogra apareceu (muito mais nervosa do que eu!).Dei entrada no Hospital do Barreiro ás 19h55,ainda fui a andar muito lentamente por causa das contrações até ao bloco de partos (sempre com a minha sogra a correr com os sacos á minha frente e a dizer para me despachar!LOL),depois ainda estive á espera de ser chamada para ser vista pelo obstetra.Quando efectivamente fui chamada pelo médico ,ele lá fez as perguntas de praxe e quando me mandou deitar para me fazer o exame do toque o homem teve um ataque de stress!Começou a gritar e a chamar todas as enfermeiras pois eu já tinha o bebé quase a nascer!Eram 5 enfermeiras á minha volta,despindo-me e preparando-me como podiam... Assim que elas me rebentaram as águas artificialmente, já nem tiveram tempo para mais nada...Dei 2 gritos e o Eric nasceu!Saíu de tal forma disparado que eu pensei que a enfermeira o deixava caír.Eram 20h20!Só posso dizer que uma vez que não tiveram tempo para me cortar, foi a melhor recuperação pós-parto que tive.É certo que ao nascer assim, ele rasgou um pouquinho, mas a verdade é que no dia seguinte eu já andava e sentava-me quase sem dificuldade.
Tomara que fosse sempre assim!...
«To me, that was just another rainy Sunday close to the end of my pregnancy.I got up feeling kind of weird and a little bit worried 'cause it seemed to me that the baby wasn't moving like he used to do.Every now and then, I felt pain but nothing to serious I thought...I was handling it quite easily...After all, this was my 3rd child so I wasn't expecting anything new...No big surprises...I spent the whole day cleaning and dusting.After lunch I called my mom and told her if I kept feeling that way, that I would "probably" go to the Hospital.I took my bath, shaved my legs (just the idea of going to the ER without being prepared was dreadful to me!) and got back to my cleaning and ironing...Went out to buy bread...Came back and cooked supper...By 6 pm I had the first real labor sign, I tiny little piece of bloody show.Very calm and relaxed I called my mother-in-law to pick me up around 7h30 pm 'cause I wanted to give the supper to the kids and hubby first. And so she did.A little bit after the scheduled hour there she was, and she was even more nervous than me! I checked-in in the Hospital at 7h55 pm, walked very slowly (due to the contractions) till I got into the OR and waited to be attended by the obstetrician.Then he called me and did all those regular questions and told me to lay down on the stretcher to see how it was...When he saw that I was fully dilated he had a nervous attack LOL!!!He started yelling and calling out all the nurses available,'cause the baby was about the be born!I had 5 nurses around me taking my clothes off and getting me ready...Once they artificially broke my waters, they didn't have time even to blink.I screamed twice and Eric got out!It happened so fast that for one brief moment I thought that the nurse wouldn't catch the baby!It was 8h20 pm!The only thing I can say is that once they didn't have time to cut me ( episiotomy) I had the faster and better after birth recovery ever!!! The very nest day I was walking all round and sitting with( almost) no pains what so ever.
I wish things were always this smooth!»
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Ai que Saudades!... "How I miss it !...."

Saudades do cheirinho a bebé pequeno, super dependente da mãe a exigir colinho o tempo todo...E das mudanças de roupinha 3 a 4 vezes por dia...Umas vezes porque o bebé se suja e outras por capricho de mãe babada...
Ai que saudades!...
«I miss the Summer...I miss the vacations in Algarve...And I miss when Eric was this old...
I miss the smell of a small baby skin, who's always depending on his mother and asks for attention 24/7...I miss changing baby outfits 3/4 times per day, sometimes because the baby got dirty but mostly because mommy just likes to do it...
How I miss all this...»
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Os dançarinos "Little dancers"
No quarto da confusão (é assim que chamo o quarto dos brinquedos pois está sempre de fugir!), estes dois estão sempre na "desbunda" LOL!
«In the messed up room (that's how I call to the the room where the kids have their play space 'cause it's always a mess!) this two love to have some fun !!!LOL!»
Ai ai ai!... "Oh well...."
Mais um dia de clausura...
Agora estão cheios de tosse e ranhocas...
Daqui a nada começo a cheirar a mofo!( Isto ainda que as minhas saidas se limitem quase sempre ás idas ás compras e ao cafézito com a sogra! E o pior é qua amanhã lá vai ela toda airosa passar 3 mesitos a Moçambique e eu vou ficar sem parceira pra o cafézito diário!Oh para mim cheia de inveja!LOL!Ela é que faz bem pois isto aqui está do piorio!)
«Another day of confinement...
Now they have stuffy noses and they're coughing a lot...
If things keep going like this, I'll be smelling like mold in a very short period!LOL!(this despite my exits resume mostly to going to the grosseryshop or going out to have a coffee with my mother in law! And the worst is that tomorrow she´s going for a 3 month vacation trip to Mozambique, so I'm about to loose my daily coffee partner!I'm so jealous of her!Lol!I'm kidding!Good for her!She's doing the right thing 'cause things here don't get much better than this!)
Oh well....»
Agora estão cheios de tosse e ranhocas...
Daqui a nada começo a cheirar a mofo!( Isto ainda que as minhas saidas se limitem quase sempre ás idas ás compras e ao cafézito com a sogra! E o pior é qua amanhã lá vai ela toda airosa passar 3 mesitos a Moçambique e eu vou ficar sem parceira pra o cafézito diário!Oh para mim cheia de inveja!LOL!Ela é que faz bem pois isto aqui está do piorio!)
«Another day of confinement...
Now they have stuffy noses and they're coughing a lot...
If things keep going like this, I'll be smelling like mold in a very short period!LOL!(this despite my exits resume mostly to going to the grosseryshop or going out to have a coffee with my mother in law! And the worst is that tomorrow she´s going for a 3 month vacation trip to Mozambique, so I'm about to loose my daily coffee partner!I'm so jealous of her!Lol!I'm kidding!Good for her!She's doing the right thing 'cause things here don't get much better than this!)
Oh well....»
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Socorro! "Help!"
Desde o passado fim-de-semana que não ponho um cabelinho fora de casa!!!Na sexta-feira á noite o Filipe ficou doente, no sábado já estava o Wilson, e no domingo o Eric! É uma virose qualquer...O Wilson e o Eric nem febre fazem, mas sentem-se com se tivessem. O Filipe é o que tem estado mais atacado coitado...Está farto de faltar á escola e ainda por cima esta semana está cheio de testes! Por estas e por outras é que eu detesto o Inverno!
Só me apetece é fugir para as Maldivas!...
«Since last weekend that I'm not able to step outside!!! Friday night Filipe got sick, saturday morning Wilson got sick and by sunday night Eric was sick as well!It's some kind of a viral infection...Wilson and Eric don't even have fever, but they feel like they do. Filipe is whom is feeling worst poor thing!...He has being skipping school a lot and this is a very important week to him at school once he has a whole bunch of evaluation tests!...This is why I hate Winters!
I just feel like running away to the Maldivas!»
Só me apetece é fugir para as Maldivas!...
«Since last weekend that I'm not able to step outside!!! Friday night Filipe got sick, saturday morning Wilson got sick and by sunday night Eric was sick as well!It's some kind of a viral infection...Wilson and Eric don't even have fever, but they feel like they do. Filipe is whom is feeling worst poor thing!...He has being skipping school a lot and this is a very important week to him at school once he has a whole bunch of evaluation tests!...This is why I hate Winters!
I just feel like running away to the Maldivas!»
Monday, March 3, 2008
O começo... "The beginning"...
Há aproximadamente 11 anos atrás, pela primeira vez na minha vida, algo me deslumbrou como nada antes...Estava de casamento marcado e esperava o meu primeiro filho...No dia 24 de Março de 1997, pelas 23H00 nascia o Filipe, com 4,240Kgs e 52cms. Apesar de ter sido um parto difícil a minha vida nunca mais viria a ser a mesma (mas pela positiva).A experiência de ser mãe foi tão arrebatadora para mim, tanto que 2 anos mais tarde dava á luz novamente mais um rebento...Desta feita, no dia 07 de Maio de 1999, pelas 22H40 nascia o Wilson (ás 36 semanas de gestação) permaturo, com 3,270Kgs e 49cms. Cresceram rápido tornando-se uns reguilas,consumindo todo o meu tempo e energia especialmente até aos 4/5 anitos de idade.Mas isso não foi impedimento para mim.Continuei sempre a trabalhar fora e a cumprir com todas as obrigações de mãe.Há 3 anos atrás quando o Wilson entrou para o 1º ano,comecei a sentir falta de toda aquela azáfama de ter um bebé nos braços...Sempre disse que pelo menos queria 3 filhos...Então engravidei de novo.Ás 12 semanas já sabia que era outro rapaz, mas não fiquei nem um pouco abalada.A bem dizer já contava com isso. A gravidez correu sobre rodas e o parto foi maravilhoso (mas isso é outra história que mais tarde contarei...). No dia 20 de Novembro de 2005 ás 20H20 (já sei! Estão a pensar que esta mulher só tem filhos á noite!LOL!) nascia o Eric com 3,650Kgs e 50cms. Presentemente tem 27 meses,ainda mama, e por causa dele optei por me despedir e dedicar-me a ser mãe a tempo inteiro.
Não me arrependo nem um pouco.
Os meus filhos são o ar que respiro...
«About 11 years ago ,for the first time in my life, something dazzled me like nothing before...I was about getting married and already expecting my first child... On the 24th of March of 1997, by 11 pm Filipe was born (weight: 11,36 lb-- hight:20,47 inches). Despite having been a very difficult childbirth, my life wouldn't ever be the same (but in a positive way!). The experience of becoming a mother was so overwhelming, so that 2 years later I was giving birth again...On the 7th of May of 1999, by 10h40 pm Wilson was born (on my 36th week of pregnancy) prematurely ( weight:8,76 lb--hight:19,29 inches). They grew up very quickly and became these darn cute rugrats! Which consumed all of my time and energy specially till the age of 4/5 years old. However that wasn't ever an issue to me. I kept my full-time job as a security guard and still managed to keep up with all my duties as a mom. Three years ago when Wilson got in into the 1st grade, I started missing all that bustle of taking care of a small baby again...I always said that I wanted 3 kids at least...So I got pregnant once again. Around the 12th week of pregancy my obstetrician told me I was expecting another boy, but that didn't surprised me. To be honest, I kind of was already counting on that...The pregancy went smoothly and the childbirth was wonderful (but that's another story that I'll tell you later). On the 20th of November of 2005, by 8h20 pm (I know what you're thinking:this lady only gives birth at night! Lol!)Eric was born (weight:9,77 lb--hight: 19,68 inches). Nowadays he's 27 months old, I'm still breastfeading him, and mostly because of him I realized that it would be better for everyone if I quit my job and become a full time mom.
I don't regret I did it....
My children are the air that I breath...»
Não me arrependo nem um pouco.
Os meus filhos são o ar que respiro...
«About 11 years ago ,for the first time in my life, something dazzled me like nothing before...I was about getting married and already expecting my first child... On the 24th of March of 1997, by 11 pm Filipe was born (weight: 11,36 lb-- hight:20,47 inches). Despite having been a very difficult childbirth, my life wouldn't ever be the same (but in a positive way!). The experience of becoming a mother was so overwhelming, so that 2 years later I was giving birth again...On the 7th of May of 1999, by 10h40 pm Wilson was born (on my 36th week of pregnancy) prematurely ( weight:8,76 lb--hight:19,29 inches). They grew up very quickly and became these darn cute rugrats! Which consumed all of my time and energy specially till the age of 4/5 years old. However that wasn't ever an issue to me. I kept my full-time job as a security guard and still managed to keep up with all my duties as a mom. Three years ago when Wilson got in into the 1st grade, I started missing all that bustle of taking care of a small baby again...I always said that I wanted 3 kids at least...So I got pregnant once again. Around the 12th week of pregancy my obstetrician told me I was expecting another boy, but that didn't surprised me. To be honest, I kind of was already counting on that...The pregancy went smoothly and the childbirth was wonderful (but that's another story that I'll tell you later). On the 20th of November of 2005, by 8h20 pm (I know what you're thinking:this lady only gives birth at night! Lol!)Eric was born (weight:9,77 lb--hight: 19,68 inches). Nowadays he's 27 months old, I'm still breastfeading him, and mostly because of him I realized that it would be better for everyone if I quit my job and become a full time mom.
I don't regret I did it....
My children are the air that I breath...»
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