With those stars on my shoulders I could finally help people for real!....I could ride the ambulances as my colleagues could do...I could help them out during Summer time to put out fires!...Man! I was so proud of those stars...so proud of that uniform....And my Dad! Gosh!There were stars in his eyes too!...
I wish I was 13 again....I wish all my worries were still the same I had back then...
And those were not the only stars I dreamed about...The Star Spangled Banner was already a goal to achieve...And so many times I wished upon a shooting star to help me out fulfill my dream...
20 years later...And I'm still crying over those stars...It's so hard when you put all your heart into something and everyone seems to commend you for the good job you're doing and all you get is a tap on your shoulder and not the stars over what you've cried and bled for...
I cried today...It's a fact...And this time weren't tears of happiness... And my Dad ain't here no more to wipe them out for me...Now He has his own place among the stars and is watching over me...So I fell...But I'm up again...I shall continue walking...with a steady walk..Maybe even stronger...
Still dreaming about the stars....Still wanting to reach them...
Like they say...What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.
And for the sake of my 3 lil'stars brought to this world I'm still holding on to that dream...I know that one day...maybe sooner than I expect my lucky star will shine again...